Our Approach
"The Weekly Show with David J Maloney" is a thirty-minute weekly talk/variety show filmed in front of a small, live-studio audience in The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Biloxi. Gulf Coast attorney and personality David J. Maloney brings his own style of interviewing, charm, humor, sarcasm, impersonations and audience interaction to “The Weekly Show.” The show focuses partially on local happenings, current events, the promotion of local charities, as well as on interviews with big-name musicians, actors, comedians, magicians and the like from all over, who regularly to the Gulf Coast for shows. "The Weekly Show" features its own house band, The Mo Jiles Band, who are well known all over the coast for their gritty southern-rock style. The show airs at 7pm Sundays on Sparklight, channel 70 (rebroadcast 7am and 7pm each day on the same channel).
Our Story
Meet the Team
David J Maloney, The MoJiles Band and The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino have teamed up with Sparklight Advertising to produce a weekly talk and variety show which keeps everyone up to date on upcoming events and happenings on the Gulf Coast while entertaining both viewers and a live studio audience with insightful interviews of local guests and big name stars who all share a love for our area.
DAVID J. Maloney
Attorney/actor/spokesperson David J Maloney brings his own style of interviewing, charm, humor, sarcasm & impersonations to the screen every a week.
Featured Band
Mo Jiles are living proof that raw talent, ambition, honesty and a powerful live performance can still prevail in a constantly evolving music industry.
The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
Studio / Biloxi, Mississippi
Overlooking Mississippi’s own majestic Gulf shore. The good times never end when you check in with them.
Next Steps...
Find out how to be in the studio audience and request an invite to an upcoming shoot.